In the 1900s Ignatius was selling soldering flux, solderwire, solderpaste. solder preform, soldering irons and wavesoldering machines to the PCBA industry. During some of his sales calls to factories in Batam, he saw production operators creating beautiful intricate 3D works of art with leads that were trimmed off the electronic components after soldering. Inspired by what he saw, he started to experiment with copper and brass materials (rods and sheets) using soldering process. He did a series of clocks mainly with copper which were mostly sold except for one which you can see here. The other series was of Christianity; of crucifix and Mother Mary. His prized creation is the Nativity scene. This piece has since served as his family altar. His all-time brass artwork is the VW. It was a piece which progressed over a period of many years. First it was just him and his other half. Then he added his 1st daughter when she was born and then 2 years later the 2nd daughter. After the kids came along, he had stopped this soldering art form as it involved very high temperature and posed a danger to his 2 toddlers. In 2015 when the daughters are in their teens, he revisited his brass artwork and created his most ambitious piece yet titled 'Curiosity saves a giraffe'. It is now in private collection. Two more pieces of the same theme is in the making. He indicated that the completion date is mid-2108. Another series of Catholic theme is in the pipeline he revealed. He target to complete this series by end of 2018.d "Curiosity saves a giraffe" which is now in private collection. 2 more pieces of the same theme are in the making and he indicated that the completion date is mid 2018. More in the pipeline....he revealed.